Lil Spill
October 2008 Archive
October 30, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
We finished the 2009 calendar shoot yesterday. I have to pat myself on the back I picked some very beautiful girls. This one is going to be a bikini calendar so I was worried about not having seen the girls in some time but they all came in looking great. Not one girl with cellulite, varicose veins or even a pudgy stomach. Chantel turned around to me yesterday and said ” thank god I am pregnant because otherwise I would feel bad about myself.” My response ” I’m not pregnant what is my excuse?” I told my boyfriend it will be about two weeks before I feel good about myself. I figure in the next two weeks I will either get motivated to work out more or I will forget about it.
By the way, to the normal women in the world: I have been around women all of my life and most women have varicose veins, cellulite, and a bunch of other normal things. So this year’s girls were a fluke in my mind. Good genes and spray tanning seems to do the trick for these young women.
(Strippers always tell me that it’s the lighting in strip clubs that make them look so flawless, because most of them are not.” Good to know.
Back to work today!!
posted by Liliana @ 2:40 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008
Today is Jackson’s 9th birthday. 9 years old. My baby is growing up. He had a ball at his birthday party. He chose lasertag for his party destination. The kids had such a great time. I love my little boy. I was so pleased that he loved the present I gave him, an ipod nano. He said it was the most awesome gift ever!! That made me so happy!
A shout out to the New Orleans bouncer , Sweet on Saturday night. Awesome. Great job!!
posted by Liliana @ 10:34 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Started the calendar shoot yesterday. The girls look so hot. We are having fun with it this year. Very campy. We were given bikinis from a company called Betty Bangs. These bikinis are rock star hot. I love them. I just wish they made them a tiny bit bigger. Yesterday Lyndsey from Denver had to wear a medium. Lyndsey has 0% bodyfat and no hips , so that tells me I would have to get the Extra large.
It’s going very very well. Romney our photographer always does an awesome job. He makes miracles happen!!
posted by Liliana @ 12:38 PM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The bars did alright last night. Interesting to me that liquor companies are now selling Absinthe. I do not truly understand the properties of absinthe. I need to do some research on it. Interesting that there are so many drinking and driving laws but yet the companies are trying to market beers and liquors with higher alchohol content. It’s curious.
So proud of my boyfriend Trey. He just passed his motorcycle license test. Most bikers I know , ride for years and never get their motorcycle endorsement. The women giving him the road test thought I was nuts because I was taking pictures. So proud!
posted by Liliana @ 9:49 AM
Monday, October 20, 2008
I have a lot of very new ideas for the direction of the company. Not in relationship to the bars but to branding. Now the hard part is finding money. I was speaking to a business acquaintance recently and he told me something very interesting ” it is easier to raise 100,000,000 then 10,000,000″ I find raising $100 has become hard. LOL
The boytoy ( I wish it was that easy) is studying to take the LSAT. He has decided to follow his dreams. I applaud that. Tonight as Jackson is decompressing from school, I have been doing some sample LSAT questions. There was one set of questions that I did quite well on. There were another set of questions that I am not sure how I did because I eclipsed the allotted time. It’s all about your mindset. I have not been challenged with this type of thinking in many years, so I need to get myself back into that mindframe to perform on this level. I have no interest what so ever of going to Law School. But I may take the LSAT just to see how I do. Jeff W: How did you do?
posted by Liliana @ 9:00 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Jesus beat out bikini girls. In Miami a once girl driven bikini car wash has changed hands and is now a car wash done by Jesus lovers. Supposedly sales are up at the Jesus car wash. Jesus drank! Maybe we should do Jesus night at the bars.
Yes I know I am going to hell. Look if Buddha night would work, I would actually show up for that. Maybe Abraham night! Shalom !
My motorcycle teacher, who I have only had one lesson with, is a devoted christian. I admire that he takes his son every single day to church. I will say this, and I say this with no bias, my son who has never been in a religious household has faired very well. His teacher has told me, even when mad about grades, that he admires Jackson because he never lies. Jackson is a good soul. He knows right and wrong. He loves animals. He said something to me so wonderful the other day, I was so proud. And truly proud that his dad and I have created a good soul. We were talking about the election and I was telling him that we are watching history happen because there may be the first ever African American President. My son is so pure of heart, he said , ” what’s the big deal? The civil war was years ago. It shouldn’t matter if the president is black , white or whatever.” My son is the best!! I have made my son watch a few debates. Afterwards he will say ” I know we are voting for Obama but what does the other guy stand for?” I love that!! He is a little boy and he hears me speak my opinions but I have no doubt he will have his own. He has listened to some of the commentary and if he could vote he would vote Obama as well but he has a totally different take. My son is becoming a real thinker. Thank you god, Jesus, allah, mohammad!! I would thank the scientologists as well but I have no freaking idea who I would thank. Maybe Hubbard!!
posted by Liliana @ 1:15 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Pretty mediocre night for the bars. NY did great last week. keep it up!! Reading the news is killing me. Mothers killing their children, Politics , stocks plunging. Holy crap it’s depressing.
I am very lucky. Health for myself and my child. Plenty of love and I can pay my mortgage!
All the women in corporate seem to be nuts. Jacqui and chantel are nuts. And I am leading the pack. I think Jacqui has programmed a standard email reply to be ” I am crazy and chubby.” Move over my friend because I went on a two week cleanse and gained weight.
Chantel is nuts but she seems very happy. Nuts and happy is always better.
Ok off to carve pumpkins. My son wants me to make a pumpkin that has blood ouzing from it’s eyes.
posted by Liliana @ 4:31 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
In the memphis manager’s log Judith wrote ” 1 year ago today my daughter was in the hospital for brain trauma. Now 1 year later she just got straight A’s on her college exams.” Such a beautiful story. Congrats to Trisha and Judith.
On the subject of A’s my son got an A on an exam last week!! It’s a miracle!!!!!
Today we are studying ” the louisiana wetlands”.
I am exited about today. I am thankful that the bars are doing well. Life is pretty good.
Can’t wait for the debate tonight!!
posted by Liliana @ 10:36 AM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Finally doing the 2009 calendar shoot. A lot is going on today. I definitely feel pulled in a few directions. I will write later with some funny stories
posted by Liliana @ 12:47 PM
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I was putting my son’s lunch in his school bag today when I spotted a crumpled paper on the bottom. Low and behold it was his science test. F. A fucking F. I was quite upset. I started with the “you will lose all computer privileges. No wrestling if you ever do this again.” I even told him that he would not be living at home when he was older because he couldn’t find a job without an education. One always thinks they will never say the same things they have heard in their youth but it just comes out of your mouth when you are upset. What upset me even more was his excuse ” mom I was too busy daydreaming to finish my test.” URGH!! I know my son will always have to be prodded with school. I am aware of who he is as a human being. But damn if he is going to fail the 3rd grade. I called the principle and told her that I want him to be moved to the front of the class so they can limit the “daydreaming”. urgh!!
posted by Liliana @ 10:31 AM
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
On Friday night, last week, while we were at the Bike Rally we went to Crocodile Rocks. It is a dueling piano bar. We had a ton of fun but I saw first hand a big difference between how northerners and southerners think in this great country. There were two men playing pianos. On one side he was playing a southern song ( I know it, I just can’t remember the name) . On the other side there was a man playing ” I’m a yankee doodle dandy” on the piano. They were trying to engage the customers in a rivalry, south versus north. The southerners were really getting rowdy . ( I was in a group of 4. Myself being the only northerner.) My boyfriend was leading the bandwagon of ” the south really won the war.. blah blah blah” I said to him I was taught american history and I did not receive the impression from my education that ” my side won.” The impression I received from my schooling was that the victory was a victory against racism, which in turn means we all won as human beings on this planet. After this statement, he looked at me for a second and said ” the south is still better.” I had no reply to this. In hindsight I should of said words that any redblooded southern man would have to understand and accept, ” Well if the south is so great why did the Ny Giants win the superbowl and the Boston Redsox win the world series?”
This election is bringing out a lot of ugliness in people I am close with. Jeff Wiseman and I were talking about how much racism exists even with close friends and family. I grew up with a mother who was not born in the United States. Her place of birth was Colombia. When my parents moved here my mother waited a certain number of years and then applied for citizenship. She study all the time for her citizens examination. We all took the day off of school and work to celebrate her induction as a US citizen. She was so proud. The United States of America that I believe in was and still should be a true melting pot of cultures and religions. Anyone no matter race , gender, or religious affliation should have the ability in this great country to be anything they aspire to be.
Off my soap box.
posted by Liliana @ 3:22 PM
Monday, October 06, 2008
Finally home. What a blast we had at the Myrtle Beach Bike Rally. Thursday night was quite eventful. Kevin and Lee had shown up to do some investigation into our possible sites. After that we all decided to head to a huge bar called ” Suck Bang Blow.” Let me describe this place. It is a huge space very much like an open warehouse with a lot of property around it. Inside there were many bars set up. Most of the employees were women. All of them quite scantily clad. This may sound typical but it wasn’t. Half the place had young girls in their early 20s bartending. The other half were women close to 50 ( possibly older) also wearing chaps, mini skirts etc. There were cages set up for the women to dance. I have a picture of Trey in a cage dancing with a women in her late 40s early 50s with the biggest breasts I have ever seen. When I lived in NY the strip clubs would publicize a women with size JJ breasts. When the woman would show up she was usually a little older then the rest of the girls but her drawing card was her enormous mammary glands. I liken this place to that without them actually stripping. What a ball we had there on Thursday. They had a burnout pit and of course like complete idiots we lined up to do burnouts. Our friend Greg burned his clutch doing this. There is always one in the crowd. But his mishap seemed small in comparison to Kevin laying his bike down in the parking lot.
Tomorrow I will tell more stories.
posted by Liliana @ 8:54 PM