Lil Spill
July 2, 2010
Kevin lasted til Grand Prairie, Canada. He called said that his tire was fucked up and his rim was bent. So the end of the line for him. I have been surfing the net and have seen so many negative things about the Hoka Hey people. Next week i will tell you my thoughts!
We hit the mother load here! We went camping through NonTypical Outfitters. They treated us like gold. Horseback riding, fishing, hiking. Food was outstanding . Just awesome. Well today we hadn’t booked a hotel and had finished camping so we were trying to find a motel by the airport . Diane from non typical outfitters non chalantly says ” we are watching our friends place. You are welcome to stay there.” oh my god this place is unbelievable . Go to . We just saw 3 deer on the lawn. Awesome!