So today I did a photoshoot for Cue ( Gambit’s fashion and style magazine). I think it went well! They took pictures of my house and of my clothes. I think they describe me as ” rocker chic” . Lol.
Now the bad: I must be PMS because I bought this $11 bottle of peanut butter filled with all these omega vitamins and I can’t find it. I just called Trey and said ” if you have my peanut butter I will have to cut you” lol

Holy crap. Every bar did great last night. Still waiting on N.Y and New Orleans numbers. Nashville literally doubled the second highest bar’s numbers! So happy!
I want to say a few goodbyes. Erika in Denver decided to move on. She has been a driving force at the Denver bar or a long time. Thanks Erika we will miss you.
Chastity from Nashville worked her last shift last night. 7 years from opening day she worked at that bar. Wow we will miss you. Be great and visit .
Ernie is moving from Memphis to Milwaukee . I know the staff was sadbut he’s still with Coyote.
Have a beautiful New Year. Peace and Love