Coyote Ugly Whisky scored 90/100 by Chip Dykstra a famous whisky critic !!
We drank whisky all day yesterday! All day ! People love it. I am so proud .
Quite from Memphis GM Ernie
” had to throw out a woman during HH. She couldn’t get her song to play and proceeded to call me a fat asshole and Tom a stupid idiot. Lucky for me I am just fat poor Tom is stupid” lol

Shit! Grabbed a Coyote shirt to wear for the bar show today. After I put it on and went to the mirror I realized it was the freaking Beaver Liquor shirt. Years ago when Lee first started he created a new design for a t shirt. This was when he was used to working at nightclubs that objectify women. This design went out to every bar by the hundreds. When I received my sample I was completely disgusted. It said No 69 Beaver Liquor. I pulled every t shirt from all the bars and donated them to an organization in Africa. I was so pissed at Lee. Well as in life it comes full circle . The freakinh t shirt I brought is the beavering it shirt . Hence I won’t be wearing a Coyote shirt today

Austin ! Holla SXSW LOve when I see huge numbers. Heading to Vegas tonIght. Tomorrow is the Coyote Ugly Whisky kick off party

If you read the news lately, some Mormons have been posthumously( after death) baptizing Holocaust victims and other non mormon people. Believing that they will not get into heaven unless they are mormons. ( so nice of them to baptise these people into Mormonism after death. I guess the changes of conversion into this silly religion becomes much higher post mortem.) Recently a famous jewish Noble laureate Elie Wiesel was listed as a person of possible post death mormon baptism as well as the very famous jewish reporter Daniel Pearl. Well Elie is still alive and was outraged because he has no interest in being a Mormon. Daniel Pearl’s parents wrote a very beautiful letter to make sure that their deceased son was not baptized Mormon.
Just nuts. I love Stephen Colbert’s reaction to this;
“Still others view the practice as nothing short of laughable and have made a mockery of what Latter-day Saints view as sacrosanct. The website “All Dead Mormons Are Now Gay” lets users enter the name of a dead Mormon and click the “Convert!” button to make them gay. Comedian Stephen Colbert responded on his show by slicing off the tips of hot dogs, thereby proxy-circumcising dead Mormons to make them Jewish.”
Yes Romney admits that he has done this post humous baptism practice. Yes americans . Think very hard before you vote.

Today Jackson won his school’s annual 1.1 mile race. He finished in 6.52. Pretty good I think. As a parent there is a point where your child’s accomplishments mean more to you then your own.
” Lil when are you opening your next bar?’
“April, but more importantly my son won a race today” lol
Not to jinx it but the bars are on fire!!!
Chantel and I were speaking about college funds. I only have one kid but more then one is virtually impossible to save for. Chantel’s theory for 2 kids. ” one kid has to be a genius and receive a scholarship to college and the other one has got to be so dumb that college isn’t even an issue”

All the bars did fantastic this weekend. Maybe its hormones, maybe its broken sleep but whatever the reason, I am ( as southerners say) “Ill as a Hornet” today

My assistant Judy has been doing audits on the company credit cards. The first week was ” really does Kevin have to put $4 from Cinnabon on his card?” Two days ago Judy started auditing Jeff’s credit card usage. ” lilians can someone teach this guy how to use a scanner? Whole companies don’t use Fed ex as much as him”. Well Friday she started Daniel’s. ” liliana, I am worried about Daniel. He’s going to have a heart attack eating so much Mc Donald’s !”

Lee sent me this quote: ” Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out and scarred, shouting “…holy s#*t … what a ride!”

Deny women birth control? Unfucking believable! Its nice for these holier then thou republicans to try and manipulate something so important in women’s health care. Without insurance my birth control would cost $340 for 3 months. Regular, hard working women can’t afford that. What about women who have endometriosis, iron deficiency, or simply want to be responsible and not have kids? This is just a disgrace.I have been paying taxes for decades. I can tell you that when I have received my checks that my net amount always stayed the same no matter whether there was a republican president in office or a democrat. So since we already pay taxes regardless of political party influence, why not have your taxes mean something? I would love my country to have nationalized healthcare. Cause guess what? We have been paying for years to get benefits from our country!