Bam ! With a bit of persistence I just got my credit score up to 763!
Today I received an email that I moved from a Delta Platinum Elite Skymiles member to the Diamond skymiles member. Don’t know why but I feel proud of my new Diamond status. A lot of work went into those miles. Heading to LA tomorrow.
So sad about the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. I can’t even imagine what some of those parents are going through.

My friend and I are in Park City, Utah. Last night we went to a local bar in town. two brothers came over to speak to us. One was a financial analyst who was recently separated. The other brother started a foundation in India to save Children. As the conversation progressed the foundation brother said ” you guys should come to India and help out.” I said ” how about we skip India and save some kids in Bora Bora or Paris.”
That didn’t go over too well.
I learned a few things from that moment. 1. I am not a good wingman. 2. People who save children aren’t very funny and 3. Maybe I will research charities that do run out of exotic places like Bora Bora.

” mom can you sign my test?…. Aren’t you going to say something ?” ” jackson, you got a B in your best subject. I’m not punishing you for a B but I am certainly not going to jump for joy.” That was last night’s conversation. A Graded B in a subject that he struggles in would warrant a congrats. But not in his best subject when he has received As all year. Urgh
Last year the conversation would of ended with, ” you are right mom. I will try harder.” In the teenage years the conversation ended in ” mom you don’t care about anything but As. I don’t know why I expected more from you.” I held my tongue after that comment.
This morning is a new day. Today on the 12th of December my son exceeds me in height and weight! Excellent .
Trying to get a mortgage. My god they are putting me through the ringer.

Reality is at the library! Jackson asked to be enrolled in an art class specific to comics. The class is held at the main New Orleans library. And he is by far the youngest student in attendance. I am sitting in the library reading while I secretly ( not sure how secretly) look around at the cross section of people. What I see and what actually is may be different. But my interpretation of what I see is graduate students and the homeless. There are two gentlemen sitting at the table next to me. Looking a bit disheveled. I overheard one of them telling the other that he is not looking forward to getting back into the cold weather . I would assume they spend their day here reading , staying out of the elements until the library closes and then they have to go back outside and find alternate shelter. Reality hit me in the library! Yesterday I was living the dream, driving someone’s Maserati feeling cool but today I am at the library seeing the lives of regular people. Very humbling. It’s the Holidays and it is a time for giving. Nothing more empowering then giving to others so I will give.

Today was a first. I have a friend who has some money. People with money know people with money. That being said she was driving a friend’s car. ” Have you ever driven a Maserati?” I didn’t say this but I am not sure if I had ever seen a Maserati before today.( movies and print ads being the exception) Not only did she let me drive it but I got pulled over on the highway. I learned today that Maserati’s have built in police jammers. So the car automatically jammed the policeman’s speed gun. When he pulled me over I was wondering what his charge would be. ” No front license plate”. He then started asking us questions about our education and work titles. ” How can you afford this car?” I just dont give off the money aire because he immediately turned and asked her the majority of the questions even though I was driving. LOL I got off with a written warning.

The Comicon people told us that it would take a full week before our photos with The Walking Dead cast were downloadable on line. I just imputted our ticket stubs and low and behold I am 50 lbs heavier and a different ethnicity. My son’s picture as well is no where to be found. Annoying. I will say that the woman who supposedly is me, while a bit chunkier then me, seemed very happy.
Bars did alright. New Orleans and Nashville had Santa pub crawls. When I get some pictures I will post.

Possible outcomes for this evening didn’t seem to pan out. In fact I left the anniversary party to take one of the Memphis girls back to her hotel after she got kicked out of the Nashville bar. In the cab she was hysterical crying. I tried to calm her. After I dropped her off the cab driver started hysterically laughing. ” Really your her boss?” Lol. So we both chuckled the rest of the way home.
Nashville happy anniversary. I hope this doesn’t sound conceited because I know I am usually very hard on myself but I looked good in the corset. ( half an hour to put that thing on) I couldn’t breathe or even tie my shoes but it was well worth it. I got quite a few compliments. I guess the running is working.
Interesting stuff from the psychic
As I am now in my hotel while my staff is still partying. Have fun . ” marsha see you at the spa!”

I forgot that a friend gifted me a psychic reading. She will call me in about an hour. Just got back from the gym and I am thinking ” will the psychic know I am sweaty? ” .
Big 8 year anniversary tonight. Should be fun.

Had a ball with the girls last night. I am truly blessed with great people around me. Thanks Miami, Marsha, and Katie. This is my query . How can I go to bed by myself but wake up with sex hair? I think the universe is trying to tell me something.

” So , what your saying is that paying down my credit card bills to zero every month is hurting my credit?” Unfucking believable. My flight is delayed. Been sitting at the New Orleans airport for hours. Excited to go to Nashville.
The US Embassy in India sent us some possible investors. My understanding is that they have a program to promote Indian investments into American companies. Pretty cool.
Last week a friend brought up a song To me. The song is called America by Deuce. It’s so powerful that I am thinking of doing a choreographed number to it. But it’s really political in nature so I am worried about the implications of the lyrics. We are an international company now. I have listened to the song a hundred times and there is one line that just bugs me. I don’t know . I have to think about it.
No jinx but LA and NY renewal are moving forward.
Kevin called me today whining about his medication making him loopy. ” dude you have been shit faced drunk the last few times I have seen you . How is it any different?” Poor Kevin. Well in honor of you, I think I might get shit faced drunk tonight. Feeling restless. Hanging out with my girls tonight.

A friend called me tonight. ” Lil would you be willing to be my date for a big work party formal? Also can you pretend your not liberal? And can you pretend your Christian?”
So what your saying is that I am supposed to look pretty and keep my mouth shut? ”
” well my boss found out that I knew you and wanted me to invite you. So you can be funny But not about politics or religion. Oh and also don’t speak about environmental issues.”
So I am supposed to look pretty not speak about any of my beliefs but entertain your boss. Very geisha. Sorry but I think I will pass.

Hitting the Nashville anniversary. Going to take out Katie, Miami, and Marsha tomorrow night. ( when I say I am going to take the girls out. It will be on the company card. In fact it will be Marsha’s company card. Its tradition for the low man to use their card. lol) Girls night. Kevin always seems offended by this but too bad he cant come. ” Please Katie, only wine.!” Let’s just say that the last time I went out with Katie, I was not in stellar shape.
I was telling a friend about doing pushups and having to lie flat on my chest with my legs not touching the floor. His response was ” your not really flat on the floor with those boobs. ” No shit I swear they keep getting bigger.

Today I was very Me, Me, Me. I just received an email from Jasmine from Denver. She is happy, pregnant and just found out the sex of the baby!. Love you ! I am so happy for you. And thank you for knocking me back to earth!
So happy

” Jackson, I swear Norman Reedus ( Darryl from the Walking Dead) gave me “The Look”. Say hello to your new step dad” lol. Jackson thought I was delusional. But I wasn’t . I know “The Look” when I see it.
We got to sit in on a question and answer session with the actors who play Darryl, Shane, and Merle. They were riding the line between severely hung over and getting wasted again. Merle was hysterical. He had a bottle of Makers Mark at the table. Funny as hell. Shane was thoughtful and humble. Darryl was somewhere in between. Great bonding experience.
Side note, I bought 2 gorgeous corsets. Who knew that you could find cool , sexy clothes at Comicon!