After months of debate I am finally receiving the new lease for the NY bar. Hoping for a smooth lease signing.
Hot damn LA is coming on quickly. Creating a menu and design. Kevin is definitely stressed . Today a friend asked me if anyone on our team has food experience. Well we do run 3 bars with kitchens but for a higher end menu, like LA will have the answer is No. Daniel worked at Mc Donald’s. Its definitely looking like we may have to hire out for this project.

Went to buy lingerie. Saleswoman : ” honey, you aren’t a 32 C your a 32 DD.” . How did that happen. How can my jeans be smaller but my boobs be this big? Urgh. Double D!
Big NY anniversary this weekend! Going to be fun.

What to wear? I brought 2 dresses but its so cold in the Austin bar I may wear jeans! 9 year anniversary . Wow seems like yesterday. I remember shooting our first reality show during the opening of the Austin bar. Everything was going wrong . In fact , 9 years ago we had to run on the Dallas’ Coyote Ugly catering license because we had not been approved for our liquor license. The cameras followed us around everywhere but they never spliced in the real ups and downs of opening a bar. Their only focus was the girls . Regardless , we did it and the bar is still rocking! Happy anniversary

” Tommy, god damn it turn on the heat at the Austin bar!” It’s colder in the bar then it is outside!
Sitting in the bar with Chantel and the girls waiting to start practice. ” Lil I want to work in NY so I can be a bitch. Tommy won’t let me be a bitch at this bar.”
” Lil I threw up cheese fries until 2:30 am because I have morning sickness.”
” Lil I realized this week that I am way out of shape.”
” tommy if I get sick because you are too cheap to turn on the heat, I will be pissed!”

On my way to Austin. I was wearing a dress and felt very cold. So I went to the airplane bathroom to change. I was able to slide my jeans on but I didn’t lock the door properly. The door swings open and I am in my jeans with just a bra. Probably 4 people sitting close to the bathroom saw me. Thank god I was wearing a bra . And it was a nice one. Urgh Thank you universe for making me wear a bra today ! I will buy myself a drink to try and play cool.

Lol. On a conference call right now. Lee and I are speaking very energetically about a higher end decor for the LA spot. Kevin just screamed ” is my phone on mute? Why are you guys not including me?” Cause we are speaking over you purposely !” Lol Lee and I are hysterical laughing.
Oh that was priceless!

Kudos to Jazmine in Denver. She’s the AM in Denver. She’s pregnant and last night a customer bought a body shot off of her pregnant belly. We should definitely charge more for a pregnant bodyshot! Love it!
I have been in a tremendous mood for the last few days. I have been the DJ this morning in my house. Fun morning. Already did half my workout.
Tomorrow heading to Austin.

My son’s dad just called me. ” You have forced us to spend 11 years in Nola. For god sakes pick a new city to raise Jackson , so I can get out of here.” I am thinking that this statement was fueled by his date last evening. ” Lil, she was hillbillyish.”
So I am guessing you won’t go out with her again? ” Of course I will go out with her again. Beggars can’t be choosers.” Lol
I don’t know where I would move. I love the San Francisco area but that would make my work schedule so hard with all this traveling. I really like San Diego too. Who knows? I know that my son’s dad would make sure he was close enough to care for Jackson on his scheduled parental days. I will have to do some research.

I can’t say enough about the Betty Page store. If you fit into their clothes , they just scream sex! Without being too sexy. Simple , form fitting, and totally sexy. Plus the dresses are reasonably priced. Found another Betty Page store in NY. Jackson just got home , I am currently in high heels trying on different dresses. ” Mom what are you doing?” ( Don’t worry about it). I should be their spokesperson.
New Orleans had a miserable night last night. Friday night with Monday night numbers. It is 80 degrees and miserable here.
This week is the Austin anniversary. This time of the year I have 4 anniversaries . NY, New Orleans, Austin, and Milwaukee. Definitely takes a toll on my liver. I am kind of thankful that New Orleans and Milwaukee are pushing their parties back a bit.

Oh Shit! I was on the phone with someone I have been dating. It’s very new. The flight attendant was rushing me off the phone. ” I have to get off the phone LOVE YOU”. Oh I am cringing! What the fuck? I can’t believe I said that. I am sick. That is a dating 101 mistake . Oh fuck. Oh god! I am half laughing half cringing. There is only one thing I can do and that’s to pretend it didn’t happen .

Spent two days in NYC. I think the events of Hurricane Sandy has changed the people here. I was walking to the bar yesterday. The mailman said hello as well as other pedestrians. I actually looked behind me when the mailman said hello thinking he must be speaking to someone else . New Yorkers saying hello to random strangers, I felt like I was in some alternate universe.
Elle is doing a great job working with the NY staff for the anniversary party. I absolutely love all the bouncers participating. They really add a lot of positive energy to the bar. It makes me so happy to see such a unified team. Richard wants to wrap his truck , Coyote Ugly. ” Richard really?” Ok I told him to price it out.

Trying to remember what I wore to the opening of the NY bar 20 years ago. We had a soft opening then a hard opening a week later. I am betting that I wore leather pants. What to wear? Press release goes out today. Thanks Redbull and Pabst for helping us to throw this party. Of course we will be toasting with the Coyote Ugly Whiskey. I land in NY in Few hours

Nice words for a great GM. Thanks Pinky
Thought you might want to know that people do compliment our managers every once in a while. Daniel

I wanted to write as we hosted a private party at Coyote Ugly in Denver last Friday and I was so impressed with the way Matt Keeling handled our group. We had a roped off section of the bar dedicated to our group and quite a few people so I know Matt and the staff worked extra hard to make sure my group was taken care of. This was first time at Coyote Ugly and wasn’t sure what to expect, but was very impressed and everyone had a wonderful time. Matt definitely went above and beyond to make sure our event was successful and I truly appreciated it

Jeremy stop toying with me. All these bars and I only ask for 1 thing. An extra small spaghetti strap t-shirt with the 20 year logo on it. Yoga top/ yoga bra .
I used to ask for a plain sweatshirt with our original logo on it. But over the years, I have received sweatshirts with flames down the sleeves. Girls all over the graphics. And various other over the top designs. So I have given up on that.
” But Jeremy, its my 20 year anniversary. come on!”
( Just received his response. ” If I can find the box labeled 1980’s on it.”