Feeling strong and super happy today. I want to thank Dynasty’s mom. She said a prayer for us yesterday . How sweet . I am not religious but I love the emotion and kindness sent in that beautiful gesture. And Kahlia from Nashville made my night . She came to me last night and said that she has three kids and her job at Coyote Ugly Nashville provides for their lives. ” Kahlia , you are a true asset to the Nashville bar and your kids!”
Between my son and all these good positive people around me, I am going to Rock today ! We all will!

I think they just arrested someone for the Boston Marathon bombing. An event so full of health and positivity turned so negative . So sad.
We are in Nashville on a court case. One of our lawyers has run the Ragnar relay,done marathons and has don’t held marathons. Whether he knows it or not he will be on our team. On a side note someone from his firm was running the Boston marathon . Thank God they are safe

Memphis rocked this weekend. I will be in Memphis on Sunday for the anniversary party. The Memphis anniversary party is always very fun. Need to catch up on my work emails and then heading to Nashville. Need to do something special with Jackson because I have taken too many trips. I will figure out something awesome for this Saturday.
After the Tough Mudder Kevin came up to me and said ” Lil you may have found your calling. I want you to be on my team for the relay race from Miami to Key West.” Wow coming from Kevin who does marathons, I felt very appreciative. So the series is called the Ragnar Relay. You have either a team of 11 or a team of 6 ( doing two legs versus one). The route is approximately 200 miles. Each member of the team runs alone completing a leg then handing off to the next team member. You run day through night. Sounds fun. I want to get 9 members of the Key West bar to join us. Of course ending in a huge party at the Key West Coyote Ugly! Its not till February so everyone has plenty of time to train. I can’t believe I am already thinking about this race and another Tough Mudder considering I can barely walk from Saturday’s competition.

Omg!! We did it. Kevin, Mac, Lee and myself are offially Tough Mudders! 12 miles in Death Valley up and down canyons . The water obstacles were the worst. They keep the water at 36 degrees . There were between 10-12 water based obstacles . Horrible . Your legs would start to seize up. The obstacle called Artic Enema is where you submerge and swim under a wall. After I came up I felt panic . The water is murky and you cant tell if you have cleared the wall. The body starts to hyperventilate from the cold very quickly. Kevin, who was definitely the strongest competitor in our group had a horrible time with this one. After each water centered obstacle we would start running . My feet would cramp up for about a half of a mile until they would warm back up. Everyone was cramping from the intensely cold water. We all did so well and definitely persevered over fears. While climbing over a tall log Mac separated cartridge from his rib. He was in excruciating pain. Lee could barely walk after mile 7 because of knee issues. I rolled my ankle around mile 5 but I kept running . Kevin didn’t hurt himself but he was losing steam toward the end. Lee and Kevin did every obstacle. Mac missed one I think because he couldnt lift his arm at the obstacle where you dangle and shimmy using your hands to go across yet another pool of freezing water. I decided to avoid the obstacle that you swim under 3 barrels in a lake. While it may sound easy, we had done 2/3 water based obstacles back to back and in the 88 degree heat of the desert I felt like I had hyperthermia. I went into the lake with full intentions of doing the obstacle . Fear and cold got me. I simply couldn’t stay in that freezing water for one more minute. If I can toot my own horn, I was one of the better runners. Kevin is much faster then I am but I ran the most Without walking. But again everyone had their strengths and weaknesses.
Can’t wait to see the video. Both Lee and Kevin wore go pros to video the event. ( Kevin mounted his on a motorcycle helmet. He was miserable most of the day with this on.
By the way , there was cow pooh in every mud and water event. Mac definitely took in the most cow pooh. Lol oh and yes we had to belly crawl under electric wires.
What a great day . We all felt very accomplished.
Woke up in the middle of the night, my left ankle being twice the size of my right and my broken foot hurting. Won’t be working out for a few days. Another cool note. We were in the last starting line as the very last team to compete. We finished the event quicker then probably half the other teams! We rock

This is awesome. I am sitting alone at the hotel restaurant eating breakfast. Two men come in and sit at the table next to me. One of them is texting on his phone. The other one says ” stop texting and be present in the moment. Yeah, my wife says that to me every morning . It’s almost as annoying saying it as it is hearing it.” I swear its like sitting next to Paul Rudd and Seth Rogen. They must work for a pharmaceutical company because their following conversation involved trying to get their wives to take Prozac or Zoloft. The funnier of the two then said ” I fantasize about waking up at midnight and sneaking the sample pills into my wife’s coffee so she won’t know it.” The other guy was in total agreement. It is taking everything in me not to laugh.
Tough Mudder tomorrow! Bam

I love people who can laugh at themselves. My Key West head bartender sent me a video of herself falling while dancing behind the bar. The managers took a clip from one of the security cameras. This is awesome. Christina you rock! So freaking funny!

Is this considered multitasking? Working and texting fat ass comments? Mac and I have been CC’d on texts back and forth from Lee and Kevin.
Kevin: ” couldn’t text I was bench pressing a school bus . Maybe one day I can bench press Lee’s fat ass.
Mac: ” I’ve just been hooking up with bigger women all in the name of competition.
Lee: Only took Kevin 4 hours to finish his diet of school bus cake, cement truck cake. Dude you have to stop watching cake boss.
Kevin: ” I’m thinking when we get to the arctic enema obstacle, Mac and I should hurl all 800 lbs of Lee. The displacement of water from his fat ass should be more then enough to splash out all of the water.
Lee: What’s too much is that turtle back you call a stomach. my iphone autocorrected to say stomachs. Even Siri knows your a fat ass.”
Guys we need to work. Lee just sent a photoshopped picture of a fat guy with Kevin’s face. Running while holding a hamburger. Nice job.
Leaving for Vegas tomorrow. Want to be good and rested for the Tough Mudder.Let’s do this shit!!
Oh Daniel kind of bested me on an inside joke. Damn, well played Mr. Huckaby. I need to up my game.

Sitting getting a pedicure because in my warped mind I feel like I need my feet to look nice for the Tough Mudder. Miss big professional dealing with so many bars so many issues and right now all I can think of is ” what color will be most inspirational to me on my toes for the Tough Mudder ? ” I am so girlie! Fucking running ruins your toe nails. I just looked down and my big toe is completely black and blue . Damn now I may need to change the color .

Key West, San Antonio, and OKC rocking on a Sunday night. Great job.
My son got my eyes and my butt. Yup the Colombian butt is the dominant gene. The kid is thin with a great shape for a young man. In fact he already has the V. Broad shoulders coming down to a thin waist. But No pants or shorts fit him. Once they get over his Butt they become tight. This morning he came into my room to show me the pants dilemma, I said ” you have the butt of a champion. we will have to buy new clothes.”
What will work have in store today. Katie needs help this week for French Quarterfest. Hopefully the bar will do well.

I was speaking to a friend who is a pilot. He spent a majority of his adult life piloting helicopters in the Army. We were speaking about women who are Inmate Groupies. Low and behold their are army pilot groupies as well. They are called Ruckerettes. I wonder what they call the bouncer groupies? Every bar has them. The girls who try to hang out close to the bouncers. I will have to ask one of our security guys.
Destin is kicking ass!

The Destin bar rocked last night! What a great space. It was an old stand alone building that housed a BBQ place. As a Coyote it has the feel of a roadhouse. Love it. Outside they have dueling mechanical bulls. Really cool layout. The girls were fabulous. You want motivation to lose weight, go to Destin. 99 % of the staff have washboard abs. I have a decent stomach but I woke up today thinking, I need to up my game.
Good Luck Destin, congrats. Heading home!!
( fun to see Chantel bartending most of the night. Haven’t seen her in action like that in a long time. Brought back memories)