Memphis crushing everyone this weekend. Bam. I love that.
Jazzfest was so crowded. I drove by myself to meet up with friends at the Acura stage where Fleetwood Mac was going to play. It took me 1 1/2 hours to walk to their section and then another 1/2 hour to find them. I must be getting old because the crowds and bathroom lines just had me in a foul mood. What’s the point of drinking beer if you have to wait 40 minutes for the rest room?
Bought all my triathlon wardrobe yesterday, I start swimming tomorrow. ” Please let me do the breast stroke. Its the only one I am good at!” This stuff is expensive. I had this idea that you change after the swimming but au contraire, you go straight from swimming to your bike, then straight to running. When I bought the suits the woman at the desk said that the suits were not good in chlorine. Why the Fuck wouldn’t they make suits that can weather a chlorinated pool? Makes no sense.

I loved Pinky’s managers log last night. ” had a problem with attitudes tonight. The veteran girls just keep bitching about the new girls. Maybe if they stop bitching at the new girls they wouldn’t quit. And guess what? If they quit then MORE new girls.” The frustrations of being a Coyote Ugly manager.
Went to a holistic kinesiologist yesterday. She poked and prodded me everywhere. I left sore but for the first time in weeks I wasn’t limping.
Therapist told me that my homework assignment was not to exercise all weekend . She also said I wasn’t to drink and do something I might regret later. Thursday I got pretty drunk and regrets are for the weak ! But I didn’t exercise! Katie and Leslie are a deadly combination to go out with!

After paying my dues and signing up for the Big Easy Sprint Triathlon , I have been trying to find a coach to give me swimming pointers. After sending out many emails I received a response. ” what’s your level of swimming Miss Lovell.” My response ” swimming has always involved a tropical drink and suntan oil.” To be honest the swim part is actually an exaggeration . I usually just hang on the edge of the pool.
What is going on in the Coyote Ugly world today?

Marsha ( GM San Antonio) just lost weight and now the San Antonio staff is doing a weekly weigh in on one of those body mass scales! Good job. The whole company is turning healthy. Makes me so proud. Ernie , GM Milwaukee let weight. People are joining crossfit, running, yoga. So proud