Lil Spill
July 15, 2013

Text from Jess. ( who by the way kicked ass at the Tough Mudder. Truly fearless)
“Lil I tripped over my flip flop and almost broke my face on the sidewalk because I can’t lift my own leg higher than 5 inches and my reflex is just not quick enough to save me, I screamed like a bitch lol my body is paying me back lol” when asked how she trained for the Tough Mudder her response was ” I cut down on Mountain Dews.” Well I am sure her body is aching today! Lol
Yesterday while running at the 8 mike mark, Jeremy and I were jogging and chatting. At this point we were exhausted and freezing to the core from all the cold water events. ” why can’t we do the Bahamas Tough Mudder or the Tough Mudder Turks and Caicos? ” ” where is the jog to the hot tub and get a delicious alcoholic beverage obstacle ?” Jeremy actually left his wife’s phone number with the film crew if anything happened to him. He rocked yesterday. Really went all out. Honestly the whole team did well. Proud of everyone .
For Carolyn! Read "The Muse of the Coyote Ugly Saloon". You can get it on the web. For Jess! Post Muddering Blues. 1. Have a hot shower. long enough to warm you up. 2. Dry off and while youre still warm do about 10 mins of simple stretching. Lengthening muscles is all you want to do. 3. Now run a warm bath and have a soak.
Hi Lil, We have watched your TV try-outs numerous time but, have never been to your saloon's. We where in Memphis this past week and went into the Beale St. saloon. The bartender was nice BUT, as I went to the restrooms all I smell is urine from the hallway PLUS the women's bathroom was missing a toilet seat. NOT a good first impression for the high standards you expect out of your girls. Thanks, Carolyn