Woke up today and I said to myself ” stop being so ridiculous. Get your ass back to the airport and head to San Diego. So low and behold I am on a layover in Atlanta right now. ” Kevin you want to do a half marathon in SD on Sunday? ” He’s in! Haven’t run more then 2-5 miles in months so I have 3 days to train. Lol it’s called the superheroes costume half marathon. What should I wear? A d what should I convince Kevin to wear? Told my son’s dad that I just registered for this event and I am a bit concerned that I haven’t trained and there will be hills. ( no hills in New Orleans). His response. ” you are a psycho. Psycho trumps hills”

Ok vacation is not off to a good start. I booked Jackson to fly to Raleigh to visit my family. I booked US Air, worst airline ever. We get to the check in desk and they inform me that they only allow an unaccompanied minor on direct flights so he can’t go because he has a connection . ” so why the fuck did you sell me the ticket?” So I had to scramble to get him on another flight. But he is going through Orlando and now I am nervous. Now my flight is delayed and I won’t make my connection . I may just belly up to the bar at this point.
Now the positive is that everyone has acknowledged my vacation except for Kevin. But I expected that . He’s only called me twice . Lol guess what Kevin , if I don’t make my connection in Atlanta I am coming over. Better have some wine ready!” Tough Mudder next week

You are fucking kidding me? Went out to dinner with Chantel. We had steak. Drank some wine . Talked about our kids. She even paid the check. Bam laptop comes out of her bag. ” I thought maybe you would want to look at some of the calendar pics.” I was totally hoodwinked!!! Then she said ” we only have to do a few girls because Lee gave me till July 15th. What? YOU ARE FUCKING KIDDING ME? He was On my ass every Fucking day and he gives her weeks. Unfucking believable !

Has the apocalypse happened? I received an email from Daniel basically saying “I know how it feels to be burnt out. I will only call you if everything is perfect ( so that’s a definite NO CALL) or one of the bars burns down ( please no jinx).” Actually nice to get a nice message from him. It took a long time but Daniel and I are very close now. He’s family. Our Russian partners had changed the Ukraine bar opening several times. While the guilt weighs heavy on me I am not going to the actual opening. I will go in September instead. Daniel and the american staff will have fun. My god they are always so gracious to us. They take us to dinner. We go out for drinks. Jeff and I usually like touristy events. We even went to a strip club in St Petersberg. And last but not least they even buy Daniel McDonalds. Good Luck, have fun.