I want to thank all of our incredible lawyers and staff that testified at our last lawsuit hearing. Congrats to everyone ! Justice has prevailed and we won the case! What a god send!
Well I am definitely back to work today. The first email I opened was the resignation of one of our floor managers in NY over an incident that happened last night. Oh brother.
I was going to head to Key West this week but I may stay home. Ok how long do I have to train for this triathlon? Fuck ! I am less prepared for this one, which happens to be longer, then I was for the last one. Daniel and I were laughing about it last week. He’s scared too. Ok maybe I need to practice backstroke

I am awed and so grateful for all the people in our Coyote Ugly family that have sent my family such beautiful wishes, flowers , and food. I am truly thankful.
My dad didn’t want a service of any kind but we decided to invite the neighbors over since they have been so kind. Kevin found a Latin food place and helped organize catering. Delicious! There were at least 40 neighbors who came over and had personal stories about my dad and mom. At one point, I looked around and realized ” shit if I die tomorrow not one neighbor is coming to my house.” So my pledge is that when I move to San Diego I will cease my NY scrounge demeanor and meet the neighbors. One of the neighbors told me that she was so close to getting my father to have a glass of wine the night before he died. Not sure how that would of effected him? I was shocked that everything went well yesterday. Only one bout of crazy. Unfortunately this continues today.
Me” mom we need to go to the bank and start closing some of dads accounts.”
Mom: ” no we need to get Coco ( dog) groomed.”
Mom: ” Liliana tell Petsmart that your dad died so they can squeeze Coco in today.”
Me: ” I am not playing the death card with Freaking Petsmart.”
My sister and I were laughing so hard. Her husband owns a company called Stay on Line. They make custom power cords. They do quite well. The florist had delivered two bouquets of flowers. One was gorgeous white roses and the other was a small vase of quaint flowers. When my brother in law came to my Mom’s house my sister said ” Jim, see these gorgeous roses? Those are from Jeff at Coyote Ugly. See these small pathetic vase of flowers? Those are from your company.” The joke continues because the various managers from our bars have been sending gorgeous arrangements.
Again thanks everyone. ” I will groom the fucking dog! “imageimage

Wow. I have some really wonderful friends. So many people with kind thoughts. Thank You. I want to say two special thanks to Chantel and Kevin. Chantel was able to send a same day edible arrangement to my Mom’s house ( not easy because they live in the boondocks). And Kevin is helping me find Latin restaurants to cater for my mom , family and neighbors. He’s also called me many times yesterday and today to check on me. Really sweet.
In true Latin form I have only black clothing. I even brought black workout gear. My mother wore black for 2 years when her brother died, 2 years black and 1 year blue for her mother’s death, she even wore black for 6 months when the dog died. Please lord or higher being dont let today be as crazy as all our family functions tend to be.

Death seems to be all around me. My dad has not eaten one bite in 3 weeks. Dying holds no dignity. The fables of aging gracefully and dying being peaceful are not always true. I have been reading a book called The Faults of our Stars. In the book the protagonist is a teenage cancer patient ( mandatory book reading for 8th graders). The main character reads this one book over and over. The ending of this book is a sentence that is not finished. You do not find out what happens to the various characters. That’s it. the book she loves ends with no real resolution. But that’s the truth. People die everyday and life goes on. Today the police searched my neighborhood for a gunman. Had he stopped at my house and shot me ( yes I would of died pissed) , life would of continued. The parents in pennsylvania that married for their dying son, held their son while he died today. I can’t truly understand their misery but life will continue. Daniel and I went to dinner tonight. We spoke about every bar in the system including bars we haven’t opened yet. Then of course we spoke about the upcoming triathlon. When I got home to face my next trip, I thought about my dad and how he went to the doctor . They told him how his cancer had spread and he literally went home to die. I feel great physically. Other then a few issues at work my life is outstanding. If I was told tomorrow that I was going to die. I think I would still do this triathlon. I know it might seem simplistic but I want to keep challenging myself. OK 3 wines with Daniel and I am getting mushy. Sorry. New topic.
Of course A Rod took steroids. He’s obviously off of them now that’s why he looks like shit. Save the money prosecuting him, this isn’t rocket science

Woke up today a little weepy because I accepted an offer for my house. Well weepiness is over the police just showed up looking for a gun man in my neighborhood. Oh brother . Now my thoughts are ” I better not die before I sell this fucking house.
My whole Key West anniversary party has collapsed . I need to scramble

The article entitled ” The other F word” has come back to bite me in the ass. All week I have been thinking to myself, ” maybe I call myself fat too much in front of Jackson.” ” Maybe his dad and I shouldn’t joke about being fat and lazy if he’s playing his playstation.” ( again Jackson is lean ). Today Jackson and I ran the Balboa Park 8 mile run. The first 4 miles Jackson struggled. At the water station I decided to take off and just meet up with him at the finish line. In my mind I was thinking ” I have to take this play station away if he is this out of shape.” I was a 1/4 mile away from the 8 mile finish line when my phone rings. ” Mom where are you?” Dude I am still running. OH NO. When I crossed the finish line Jackson said ” Who’s the slow fatass now!” Yup that would be me. lol. He must of passed me somewhere between mile 6-7. Damn . Oh god he’s is going to rub this in all day.
The phone just rang. ” Miss Lovell the tenant in your Pensacola condo left a pot on the stove. There was no interior damage to the condo but the fire department broke down the front door.” URGH
Haven’t read one manager’s log all week. Let’s hope it was a good week.

I saw the Light!!! I just read an article about The Miss Rodeo of America Pageant. I have got to be a part of this. These incredible women must look good in a dress with a full face of makeup and be asked to jump on a strangers horse and ride like a master horseman. OH MY GOD, I need to sponsor someone! I can see the Coyote Ugly leather chaps next to the Coyote Ugly ballroom gown. I wonder if any of our girls in Denver can ride? Deedee a woman who worked on the set of the Coyote Ugly tv show was a wrangler. She had training roping, riding , and wrangling. I need to call her.
Last night we picked our cover for the 2014 Coyote Ugly Calendar. It came down to two different girls . We went back and forth a million times. Finally I sent it out to 3 friends and they all unanimously picked one picture over the other. Bam 2014 calendar ready for production.