Holla! I better go play lotto things are looking good. I think we nailed the San Diego deal! We booked our trip to Nepal! And I just got a perk at the hotel in La Jolla. My son, myself, and my son’s dad have interviews at a private high school in San Diego. I took an early morning flight while my son and his dad are catching a later flight. At check in they give a complimentary bottle of wine. They asked what kind of wine does my son’s dad drink for when he checks into his room ? I replied ” no he doesn’t drink.” Bam I get his bottle! Not like I am going to drink two bottles of wine but I enjoy knowing I received the perk. ” yeah yeah yeah, I know you don’t drink. You are so much better then me.” That’s my response to my ex husband when he comments on the two bottles of wine.
Jackson is convinced that I will screw up the interview before his dad will. I will try not to curse and keep my answers short. I can’t screw up that badly.

” Lil, I nailed all the negotiation points on that contract I have been working on!” ” Awesome Daniel. Is there a reason why you thought it prudent to call me at 3:20 AM to talk about this? ”
While I am happy that he just saved the company a lot of money, everyone knows I am the loser who goes to bed early. 3 am calls are reserved for fires and emergencies. Come on!!
He did get us this cool pulse feature that I love.
It is a busy day today in Coyote Land! Making miracles happen!
I have Lizzie choreographing a new dance for us. Its not that easy to make changes when we all work in different cities.
Kevin Bailey decided to take training for this Nepal race seriously. This is his answer to training for high elevations.

Saint 4-0!!!! Jazz got us killer seats. Chantel and I had a great time. Supposedly we were on tv for a second. The duck dynasty guy got to watch the game on the field. Really? I need another show so I can get on the field.