Woke up at 4 am because two various tv stations held their morning shows, in part, at the San Diego bar. Full face of makeup and hair before sunrise is unheard of in my world. But I think the 7 segments they did came out very well. Really good looking girls at this bar.
Kevin went to the hospital this morning after violently throwing up for hours last night. Now I just received an email from Jeff saying that he is violently ill. It’s crunch time right now I hope they get better.
The last few days get very emotional. The new girls are having breakdowns. Corporate staff are having breakdowns. And the plumbing is having breakdowns. But not me! I helped change the choreography of the chorus of TNT and it looks fantastic. Chantel taught the veteran girls the dance for the first time and I am giddy with excitement. I am like an idiot Savant. I can’t dance a lick but there is a part of my brain that is made to choreograph . Chantel is my medium. I have to do what I envision in my physically challenged way. Then I explain to her how it is supposed to look . Then she puts it all together to have my thoughts become movement. She is my personal dance medium.
Off to another meeting. Very little sleep in the last 5 days.
I am grateful today for Lee’s mother. She spend over 80 hours making this jean flag that we envisioned. This woman is very educated, kind, and a truly genuine person. She came up to me today and said ” Shit Lil I may need a drink after 80 hours on that flag.” LOL. Thank you so much.

This is my morning . I woke up after only sleeping 4 hours. I decided to make myself a coffee in my new house and sit outside . Mistake ! The door locked behind me. No phone no key. Well I introduced myself to my new neighbors wearing an oriental robe and fuzzy pink pig slippers. ( no I am not joking). The neighbors were very nice remarking on my slippers followed by the ” that limp is a runner’s limp. We can spot it from a mile away.” Two hours later Mac arrived and let me in the house. Long day today. Veteran girls coming in . We have our Coyote Clarity meeting tonight got our full San Diego staff. Need more coffee

I was upset with Jazz because there was no sign on the New Orleans bar rooting for Leslie, myself and the Kenner boxing club while we ran the Rock and Roll Half Marathon today.
Ok so my Garmin watch said I ran 13.21 in 2 hours 11 minutes. My Runtastic app said I did it in 2 hours and 13 minutes and the race results say I ran it in 2 hours and 16 minutes. I say bullshit!! I am thinking that maybe I stopped before the final chip timing mat and that’s why the race results seem slow. They put down 3-4 mats at the finish line. Perhaps I thought I was passed the final mat already. I guess I will have to go with the 2 hours and 13 minutes because its almost an average of the 3 varying times. I wanted so badly to do this in 2:10 minutes but I fell apart at mile 10. My right foot is killing me. The Kids from the boxing team did fantastic. 3 of them finished the half in under 1 hour and 40 minutes. They were flying. I finished the race within 6 minutes of 4 of them. I told Axel the coach that they need to step it up if a slow person like me can keep pace with them. LOL. So proud of Leslie. Her first half marathon and she did great!! OK off to catch a plane fro San Diego. I am hurting right now.

At finish line