What a day. Not one bike on KW for me to rent. We get to the event at 5:45 am. Mackenzie is there ready. Our other two Coyotes got there late. No goggles, no wetsuit. Urgh. They were completely I’ll prepared . None of them had trained . lol . I hate to give them my swim gear and I didn’t swim or bike . Mackenzie was driven ! Crystal started something and she wasn’t going to finish . So proud of them and Jeremy . Ndea started the Swim and turned back . Not sure if she finished the bike. Didn’t do the run . ” lil I am sorry “. She didn’t train . They do you expect ? If triathlons were easy everyone would do them. ” but I work so hard” yeah so do I . Take care of your body and your health! Regardless fun day ! Jeremy was hysterical . ” swimming will be easy “. He got out of the swim ” that was the hardest swim I have ever done .” Lol proud of my team .

My flight was 5 hours delayed so I canceled my trip. I feel heart broken that I missed the Nashville 10 year anniversary. Chantel kept sending me pictures. Looked so nice . They have a new girl who is an incredible singer. Numbers were outstanding!!! I was getting work emails from Lee up to 11 o’clock last night. ” Lee weren’t you at the party drinking?” . ” Yes Lil I did a million shots.” So he may not even remember trying to redesign our business cards.
Ok heading to Key West today. Not one road bike to rent on the island. I decided I would swim and run the olympic since I don’t have a bike. Excited to see the staff.

I opened the San Diego log and I thought I was reading one of the much smaller bar’s logs. Oh god!! Horrible. It’s raining here . It’s not particularly cold but raining. It’s as if the 4 horsemen rode into town and people are awaiting armageddon. It’s just a little rain for god sakes. I have been running around like a crazy person. Tomorrow I land late in Nashville. Big 10 year anniversary party. Then Friday off to Key West for the triathlon with some of the staff. There is not 1 bike on that island for rent. So I will go up to the olympic distance and just swim and run. A lot going on in our world. Phoenix has stalled but we are negotiating in Seattle. It would be nice to have a lease signed before the end of the year!

Took Jackson on his “first” driving lesson. When he got behind the wheel he was familiar with checking the mirrors and setting the chair. ” Jackson did Dad take you out driving ?”. ” No mom Trey took me.” WTF? Jackson was only 13 when we dated. Well I doubt Jackson will ever forget his mom’s crazy ex boyfriend.
I have had to rent a car . Something with my keyless ignition is shorting the battery. The car I am renting is a Fiat 500c. I figured a cheap car. Good for Jackson to learn in. When I get him a car I told him, cheap and energy efficient. Definitely a used car. I thought the fiat would be a good test. Well my friend John said ” A fucking Fiat. You are setting him up for failure. He needs a truck.” Is that a man thing? What about the damn environment? What about all the parallel parking with a truck? I have been up all night because of the ” Fucking Fiat” comment!