Yesterday’s gratitude goes to my neighbors Mark and Marty ( short for Martha). Mark came out yesterday and removed the base of my christmas tree knowing that Jackson and I had fucked it up and the garbage company would not collect it as we left it. So nice of him. I didn’t even ask. They are a nice couple and I now consider them friends.
Today’s gratitude goes to my sister. My mother doesn’t have alzheimers but she definitely has some dementia . I think it is associated with the pain pills she has been taking. My mother will call me 7-10 times. One call right after another. My sister gets at minimum, double the amount of calls. She received 25 today with 24 of the exact same voicemails. She’s closer geographically and emotionally to my mom and I can only imagine how hard it is to be around that every day. My mom won’t even remember having called so often. Aging is so hard on the person and the people around them.
Today I had a great day. I made some changes within corporate . Congrats to Pinky from Denver for moving up to regional!! You have earned it. And congrats to Mac. We are hoping to make him a kind of “fixer”. The test is always how your main bar runs while you are in another city. I have faith that both Pinky and Mac will make sure their bars are on point in their absence.
Life is good today.

Thank you San Antonio. The only bar that did well last night . Daniel emailed me saying he wants to meet face to face to talk about some changes he wants us to make . Face to face . Ok just wear deoderant and we can have this meeting.
Today’s gratitude goes to Tom from Milwaukee . There is nothing harder then running a struggling bar. He works 6 days a week. Half the time the temperature hovers around zero and the neighborhood that the bar is in has gotten really sketchy. ” Tom thanks so much “.

Today’s gratitude goes to Matthew , AM New Orleans. Very profession. Anything that gets asked of him gets done. He’s a dad, an actor, and our AM. Very hard worker. Thank you Matthew for all your hard work and dedication.
Bam the bars rallying on New Year’s Day for some super strong numbers. Nashville, San Antonio, and San Diego coming in strong. That’s a good sign for 2015.
I am in Park City with jackson . I was told yesterday ” mom you board planes too quickly it annoys me.” I havent stopped laughing about that. A friend of mine told me that her son once proclaimed he hated how she put her hair in a ponytail . Oh teenagers.

Last night I was invited out by a few new women friends in SD. We went to a sushi/nightclub called Bang Bang in the Gaslamp. 2014 was the ” Young Men” love me year. ” Can I buy you a drink? You look just like Penelope Cruise in the movie Blow.” Dude if I really looked like Penelope Cruise I wouldn’t be talking to you and I would dominate the world!! But thank you for the compliment. ” Liliana all these men are hitting on you and you keep blowing them off.” Obviously I need to work on that. But in my defense if my son has more facial hair then these 25 year olds I just can’t take them seriously.
Nashville spanked all the bars last night. Good Job. My first gratitude for January 1st 2015 is to Lizzie. ” Thank you Lizzie for always being so willing to move for the company and work so hard. I love you and I wish you the best year ever.”
Mac wrote in his log from last night. It just wasn’t that busy out in SD last night. ” I was in the gaslamp last night. Everyone had a line. And when I passed Coyote the bar was packed. ” Hard when your boss lives in the same city.