Fucking Key West! If you asked me 5 years ago if I could ever hate a tropical island I would say ” no way”. My god what a fucking pain in butt. An island filled with drug addicts and lazy people . Urgh !!! Even our travelers only want to go work there for short periods , ( personally if I was 25 I would go for 6 months . Work and live it up). Today I am making some changes . Anyone male or female can apply for bartending . Old, young, fat, skinny, I don’t care . We just need some bartenders !

” Lil my son has been drawing pictures of penis’s everywhere. My ex-wife is really upset .” I am laughing so hard. This is a manager’s teenage son. He must of secretly watched the movie ” Superbad” and is now mimicking it. So So funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikaqYpGZT64

In OKlahoma City . Incredible anniversary party . The music has been outstanding ! Ramones, clash . Awesome . Staff looks great .

A big shout out to Jeremy from our merch company . So glad you are doing so well in business . You were able to overcome the diversity of an Indiana education . Notice anything about these shirts?image

Duggars family; shocking that a family that has 19 kids is having dysfunction ! This is the best thing that happened to America . The show has tried to brainwash people into thinking this ultra Christian way of life is healthy . Guess what ? Having 19 kids is  the first sign they are freaking crazy and then expecting the little bible groups and the children raising children  to squelch human sexuality and deviance is again Crazy. Wonder how many other kids are copping  feels with their siblings in that family ? 19 kids and only 1 that has gone ASTRAY? Yeah right . Oh and the mother is against homosexuality.LMAO What’s the Vegas betting pool on how many of her kids are gay?

Wow we have a lot of deals pending. Good to be Coyote Ugly Right now. So many cities. But as is always the case , everything has to go through legal first.

New policy changes for new hires starting today. Hopefully strong employees all around because of it. I have so much going on yet I can’t tell any of it, YET!

Did I tell everyone that some of corporate are going on a series of cooking vacations. We will be going in two weeks. Provence France then Malaga Spain. I am so so excited! This is when it’s great to be me. Lawsuits: It’s not good to be me. Bills from lawyers about lawsuits: it’s not good to be me. Awesome cooking trips because we are Coyote Ugly: Great to be me!!

ars sucked this weekend My god NYC and San Antonio were horrific. Heading to OKC this week. I love the NY punk  theme for their party. Amber is so positive in her management style. She makes her own clothes and made an incredible jean vest. I wish I was handy. I truly love that about her.  Gratitude is to Amber today.

I need to go to the NY bar and de-corporate them. I think Tish needs some new staff that have regulars . I always hired and kept people according to how many people they brought in. These girls are working hard while at work but definitely not promoting new regulars to come in. And I am about to stop bodyshops all together there. Focus on good old fashioned customer service.

Back to the foot. It has continually  hurt since the half ironman and has been radiating pain all weekend. I made an appointment to go back to podiatrist on Wednesday to see if I tore a tendon.  A friend is going to Destin this weekend for a pirate festival. Perhaps check in on the Destin crew.

This is what aging looks like This picture illustrates aging in active people. Just rotate the body part that gets iced every month and you can get a glimpse of being old.