Lil Spill

August 10, 2016

Still not home yet . Jackson and I are sitting at the Boston airport . ” Mom I was born to be in an older generation . My generation is in a creative drought . ”

I picked him up from Harvard . New vocabulary :”  Mom stimulating a cricket’s  limbs was DOPE.” ” our team was so LIT when we won the ” guess ” the diagnosis challenge .”

” Mom I have been around a lot of teenagers . I picked up some new vocabulary .”

busy busy busy . Tokyo franchisees found a location so we need to go and approve it . Kyrgyzstan hired a new PR person so we are coordinating . So much going on and 3 cooperate people on vacation . As Orange is the new black , Daniel and I dubbed Lee the new Jeff . ( jeff takes more vacations then anyone .  As we are getting insanely busy Lee is taking a two week vacation  ). Justin is on vacation too . WTF is going on ?

I need to get home and just recharge



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