Lil Spill

May 26, 2013

Chantel and I are officially Triathletes! The swim sucked! I can say without exaggeration that I came in close to last on the swim. In the pool I had logged in 400 meters at around 10 minutes . Today took me close to 17 minutes. Urgh. The transition is hard from swim to run You run on wobbly legs to your bike . I hadn’t adjusted my helmet correctly . I actually had to ask a volunteer to help me. I also needed to change my shirt. That adds time . I made a decent time on the bike . Definitely need a better bike. I used a mountain bike hybrid. Its not fast. But I would count the people I would pass to give me encouragement. I was able to pass 15 people on the bike. Yeah.
Very Scary when the good people whiz past you on the bike. It’s very humbling. The hardest part for me emotionally was the transition from the bike to the run. I had intellectually theorized to myself that I would cruise from bike to run. I had no idea how heavy my legs would feel. The first mile was so hard. I would have to stop and rub the cramps out of my legs. I finally got into a groove and pressed forward the last two miles. So wonderful having friends there for me. This was the first race where I had people cheering me on. Kevin, Judy, Lynn, and my trainer Ben were there. ( Ben has a video of me coming out of the water saying ” that sucked”. Lol ) Really nice feeling running across the finish line to friends!
Again my time sucked. I wanted to hit 1 hour and 30 minutes but I finished in 1 hour and 47 minutes. I just have to practice more then two weeks. Lol. But I did it!! No drowning today!

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Hi Champ! Congratulations on being a WINNER (where in the winner pecking order you came doesn't matter) Also so glad you chose only to suck swimming once you were out of the water. Not good to do when swimming.