Lil Spill
June 21, 2010
Jeffrey the mechanic and I got to the first checkpoint outside of Daytona around 2 pm. The top ten riders showed up around 5 pm. Trey and Kevin showed up at 715pm and Lee showed up at 745 pm. They checked in at around 80th place. Which means they moved up because they started the race in about 400th place. Trey was shaken up after seeing two bikers go down on route. Lee hands were shaking for about ten minutes. And Kevin was fine. Our next checkpoint is Southern Thunder Harley Dealership in Mississippi , close to Memphis. I am worried , Kevin and Lee called me at 3 in the morning on the side of the road in bum fuck Georgia. They said there were no lights and they couldn’t find Trey. Another biker told them that Trey had pulled into a gas station pretty tired. I hope he just set up his tent and slept. His phone died yesterday so unless he gets near a pay phone the only way to contact us is through a disrress beacon on his bike. But that hasn’t gone off. This is really rough. I slept in the coyote truck for 3 hours. Justwaiting to figure out if we should head back or proceed to the next checkpoint .