Forgot to add this. My boyfriend tattooed his nickname for me on his bicep. If that aint love you can kiss my ass
Author: Liliana Lovell
Again a beautiful start to the day. Lee designed a freaking kickass wrap for the Coyote trailer. I can’t wait to see it. We are still tweaking a few things but it is going to be so incredibly cool!!!! San Antonio, even when they have a bad night, its still a great night!! Thank you SA!!
Again great start to the day but now I am getting the emails from Jeff W about bills . Credit cards are extrememly high and we are low cash. Nothing ruins a good mood like money troubles!!! Bars get DEVCO some dividend checks so Jeff wont have heart attack and I will be happy!!
Tis evening I headed down to the New Orleans bar to meet Chantel. The bar was dead expectedly after Mardi Gras but I was affected by something I saw afterwards. I was in my car returning home and I was at a stop light. I noticed that there were two homeless people chatting at the stop light. The reason I believe they were topless was because of the cart they were pushing around and their appearance. I didn’t get the impression that the two people were together but just passing each other. What I noticed is that both of them seperately were marked up on their clothes with Go Saints and fleur di lis. I got very misty eyed thinking that these people probably only have one jacket and they were willing to write on Saints logos on their only possession. Wow I am moved by that
OK. Long day!! Kevin and I spent the day loading the truck and trailer with my bike and a portion of the portable bar. I really was under the absurd impression that this would be a very quick project. Needless to say, Kevin showed up at my house at 9 am and he just left 15 minutes ago. I cant wait to see how my bike looks after it gets customized. I can’t wait.
Hot damn finally back home!! Chantel tallied Mardi Gras, we did about the same as last year. I was hoping we would exceed last years numbers but I think people over did it superbowl weekend and the weather was unseasonably cold for New Orleans never exceeding 48 degrees. Well at least we had two extra great weekends with the NFC championships and then the superbowl!! Monday night I called Kevin asked him to ask Vodoo to drive the Coyote truck from Lauderdale to New Orleans. I was expecting him on Thursday. Yesterday afternoon I receive a call saying the truck is in front of the New Orleans bar. Holy shit he got here quick!! Now we are getting ready for Daytona Bike week!!!
By the way, if I didn’t already mention this, I had a ball at the NY anniversary. The girls looked great. A lot of new bouncers. And I got to see so many old friends. I love that. How great to have regulars come into one of your bars that were coming there 17 years ago!!! Awesome. Of course I got too drunk and my friend molly ( worked at Coyote 17 years ago) also got drunk. But at least it was just her who threw up in the morning!!!
I was asked to post my Buffalo Chicken wing recipe. Now this might sound strange but I guard this recipe with my life. I guess my fear is that one day some of the chains will get it right and ruin it for the Coyotes with kitchens. But in the spirit of giving I will give two bits of advice about making buffalo chicken wings . 1. DO NOT BATTER THEM!!! This is a reoccurring mistake at tons of restaurants. There is no need. 2. when deep frying the wings dont do the recommended 9 minutes do 13 minutes ( with a good fryer) They taste better a little crispier.
Had Mardi Gras kickoff meeting tonight. Good luck to everyone working Mardi Gras and to all the bar!!! Lets make some money!
This morning I made a very off colored joke. Trey was telling me that some of his employees are Jesus freaks and they all wear bracelets that have the initials WWJD on them. ( what would Jesus do) I may have written this before. Well today I was in a joking mood and I said to Trey how about ordering a WWJD cock ring? I know my mother would be disgraced but I am who I am. Well I get a call from the NY bar’s bank today saying that a man found a bundle of money with a NY bar deposit slip on it. I called Jacqui immediately and she has been frantic retracing her steps looking for it. It ends up that Jacqui went to church this morning to light candles and the man found it in church. Jacqui promptly called me and said ” do you think the money and the cock ring comment are related?” The lord works in mysterious ways. For all the christian people out there sometimes my mouth lacks a censor!! Also for the record although I do not lean toward any religion I do respect those who do!!
Ft Lauderdale seems to be rallying. Awesome
I am so jealous!!! Drew Brees went to another bar after the victory parade and taught them the saints pregame chant. God Damn it I wish he came to the New Orleans Coyote!!! Jackson, myself , one of his little friends, and his parents walked to the victory parade. In New Orleans part of normal life is going to parades. They have parades all the time, obviously Mardi Gras being the biggest parade season. I have never seen a parade so crowded. It was fun bringing the kids there. They were both wearing their Drew Brees jerseys and waving saints flags. But fuck it was crowded. I could barely see anything. I actually put jackson on my shoulders. He’s 66 lbs I am about 110 lbs. Let’s just say that sucked!! I handed Jackson my camera and his friend who was on his dad’s shoulder’s my phone camera. I asked them to take video and pictures. Gabe who was obviously higher up since he was on his dad’s shoulder took only short 3 second clips. Jackson thought it was funny to take pictures of the tops of people’s head. Out of 100 pictures and videos I swear there are only two good ones. I am glad that my son and I were able to actually be part of New Orleans history but damn I could of seen more on TV without waking up with severe back pain!!!
Regardless, I am still in an emotional state after the big win. Jackson asked me the other day why people keep on saying that this win signifies New Orleans being back? He has blocked out a lot of what happened during Katrina. When we moved back we would drive past abandoned or destroyed houses every day. Some of his friends lost their houses. But in his little mind he was so happy to be back home. Most of his friends moved back home and his life slowly got back to normal. So my answer was this: in a city where so many people lost everything, for 2 hours every Sunday they had hope. For 2 hours every sunday they got to forget their problems. And the most important thing was for 2 hours every Sunday noone could say that New Orleaneans were losers or their city was a mess. For those two hours every Sunday , in a city that was almost destroyed we got to compete with everyone else and now regardless of Katrina OUR little city’s football team are world champions!!!
All this partying and celebrating has me so backed up on work. Plus mardi gras is on. Some of the traveling staff started showing up today. I am going to stop by the bar tomorrow and Friday to helpgive the managers a break but I need some time to recuperate!! Lee and I are customizing my bike to tour around with. Man it is going to look sweet. Very retro!!! Mardi Gras then Daytona Bike week!!!

I haven’t felt well for the last few weeks. I can’t seem to shake it. I think all the traveling is affecting me. I have been in 5 cities in less then a month. I am worn out!! But I will ” man up” as my son says to go down to the Saints Parade. It is going to be completely nuts today. It truely like a national holiday in New Orleans. Schools are all half day today. The traffic is nuts. yesterday thousands of people took off just to greet the saints players at the airport! I have to get all of my Saints wear out again today. I have worn a Saints shirt everyday for a week because I didn’t want to jinx the team if I didn’t give 100% to my fanness. Lol
I read Scott Fujitas blog. Very interesting.
Memo . The New Orleans bar was nuts yesterday. The bar was packed to capacity with people watching the game. Trey and I promised that we would make buffalo chicken wings for the bar. We cooked for 4 hours making hundreds of wings. When we drove to the bar the traffic was at a standstill with parades and superbowl people heading toward the french quarter. We ended up parking about a mile away and we had to carry all the wings there. That sucked balancing all the trays and walking through hoards of people. But the wings were eaten within a half an hour of getting there!! Delicious! I can’t even explain the energy in New Orleans yesterday. Its indescribable. The bar was so loud every play good or bad. After they won people were just crying and hugging each other. It will be one of my fondest memories of living in this city. Unbelievable. Jackson and I are going to the Saints Victory parade tomorrow. I am so excited!!!
I am so excited about the superbowl today!!! Go Saints!! I am making 300 buffalo wings to bring down to the bar!! I watched the news today and Oschner hospital in New Orleans gave every baby born in the last few days a saints onsie. So cute to see all the newborns in Saints clothes!! It is crazy here today. Also Mitch Landrieu won the mayoral election in New Orleans. What a great day!!!!!
Go Saints!!!
I am leaving tomorrow for NY. Thursday night is the 17th or 18th anniversary party!!Lol. Awesome. Called some old friends so i am excited to see people I haven’t seen in a long time!!!
I am so excited about the superbowl. I hung a saints flag from my outside window!!! I can’t wait till sunday. I am heading to the New orleans bar to watch the game on Sunday. I get dibs on the seats close to the big screen!!!!! Its so exciting!!
Last week Jackson’s school did a charity drive for the people in Haiti. I was in Austin at the time so I thought his dad took care of it. This morning I asked Jackson what he and his dad did for the charity event. ” Nothing . Dad forgot.” Well then I went on to say ” Jackson you are 1o years old. Do you know how fortunate you are and how unfortunate the people in Haiti are? …” This went on for awhile. Now I feel stupid because the school doesn’t know I was away. Well we will have to make up for it. Someone asked me recently why people are doing so much for another country? I think there are a few reasons. 1. we are all people on this planet regardless of citizenship. 2. I think there is some Katrina shame. Because are own government didn’t do enough for the city of New orleans ( or gulf states) and 3. We are lucky here. In the US we have resources other countries don’t have. Watching the news and hearing the stories really makes me want to adopt a child. Jackson and I have been speaking about it recently. He is alright with it as long as its a girl so that he remains the prince of the house!
Painful weekend!!! OKC, Nashville, and Memphis oh my god I have never seem such bad numbers. The weather is killing us!!!!! Painful.
Thank god for the other bars including New Orleans cause they did well.
On a good note I figured out how to connect my cable box to my tv. I put that as one of my top ten accomplishments!!
Austin anniversary was awesome. The bar, girls, and whole staff were awesome. Thank you for an incredible time
I am fucking having a coronary today and 80% of it is due to the GM in Denver. I just wrote a letter to Lee expressing my dismay over this GM:
Lee, Nick thinks he is running a Trump venue and has put the Denver advertising budget at an all time high. Can you call him and help before my I have heart failure and miss the Austin bar’s anniversary! Thanks Lil