This is my favorite corporate picture.
Author: Liliana Lovell
I may own a great company and come off very secure and powerful but when it comes to my picture I am just as insecure as everyone else. I had to laugh at Lee’s last email because it was like a patient parent trying to speak logically to a child:
“Because I’m the art director, that is how communication normally goes.
As good as you are about business, you are very difficult when it
comes to your picture. It’s hard to ask you for advice, when all you
say is “I look ugly”
For my pictures, I fix the lines on my neck, my jaw line and bags
under eyes. That is exact issues I have with me, stating that gives
Romney a direction to fix my picture. He needs that kind of
clarification to fix your image. You have body dismorphic syndrome in
my opinion, so do most women for that matter. I think you look great,
but it doesn’t matter what I think, it matters what you think. I just
need to know what pic that you want, and what areas you want fixed ?”
“Lee you win. Just pick a picture I will try and conquer my body dismorphic syndrome issues!” LOL
What a freaking morning. It’s been a pissing match on all sides of every issue that’s come up! We pay a contractor the contractor hires a subcontractor. We pay the contractor but the contractor doesn’t pay the subcontractor. Now there is a lien against us. So are we supposed to double pay because the contractor acts in a shady manner? This is absurd.
We took a new corporate picture a few weeks ago. Lee keeps on sending me photoshopped pictures where he is the main element of the shot. I sent him a response saying ” I don’t think its fair that your the focus everyone should be happy with their place in the photo.” My favorite shot happens to be of all of us joking around. The picture the photographer picked of me might as well be a picture of a pile of crap, because I look so bad. BUT AS LONG AS LEE LOOKS GOOD THEN THE WORLD IS AT PEACE!
Thank god for Nashville and San Anonio because they other bars did crappy last night. There is a bar that is trying to open up in San Antonio and they went on tv and trashed us. Lesson 1: doesn’t matter if its good press or bad press it’s still press. So a warm thank you for giving us free publicity. I was going to say something nasty. But there is no need. When you are number one everyone comes after you, so thats just verification that we are tops in that market!!
This is a link for what Jackson and I have been obsessed with ” the botfly”
Well the good news is that I am not contagious. Went to the doctor said I had flu but I am suffering more from a sinus infection now. About a month ago I went in for a ” you are officially over the hill” physical. I had everything done, from top to bottom. When I went in today the doctor said ” I know you feel like shit but all your results came in and they were not just good , they were super.” I had my first mammogram ever. This machine actually squishes your boobs like pancakes. It’s a bit unsettling especially when you have implants. But I am healthy! My exhusband wanted assurance that I was not contagious to Jackson and that I didn’t have the swine flu. The doctor said ” tell your exhusband that you are no longer contagious with the flu but that you have cyphyllis and tuberculosis. LOL” You have to love a doctor with your same sense of humor!
I am sick as a dog! My son had a low level cold/flu this weekend. I felt a bit sick yesterday but today I have the full fledge flu. H1N1, so what flu is flu. My understanding is that the people who are severely hurt or even die from flu ( no matter which kind) are in ill health already. Well regardless I had to cancel my trip to Detroit. Tomorrow was supposed to be a fun day. Lee and I were invited to see the Tigers with one of the owners and then do a bit of a scouting mission.
I am laying in bed with my computer answering emails and watching Lifetime movies!!!
I am so consumed with myself I did not post about Patrick Swayze’s death. So sad. I feel so sad for his wife they seemed like true soulmates.
On the Denver manager’s log there was a comment that one of the girls called a guy gay on the mic and the guy flipped out. I know this is not politically correct and it is not in any way meant to be judgemental to anyone of any sexual preference but I have said similar things on the mic. The scenario is that a guy comes in with his friends, he orders a drink like a cosmo, a daiquiri, a martini ( although a true martini is a burly drink and 20 years ago wouldn’t be put in the pansy drink category). I have had this happen and it is a great opportunity to get a humourous crowd reaction while making sales. I have said things like ” please tell me we didn’t lose a good looking guy like you to the other side? Sir how can these women think of you as a man with a cosmo in your hand?” Now if you are really good at judging the group and know that they will love getting harrassed, you just go straight for the hard line. ” hey get a set of balls or I can recommend an awesome gay bar down the street” Now again this is high level sales talk. The great bartender has to know how to read their customer. Just say the scenario is: a guy comes in and orders a comso. He looks well groomed. You have a quick intuition that he just wants his drink quick and with no hassel. Then you simply suggest another drink. No big production, no mic. Why? Because the goal is always to create repeat customers not to offend people. So in closing the Coyote did not read her customer well and she lost. ( again nothing against gay people for gods sake half the girls are either gay or bisexual)
What the fuck? Amelie the webdesigner just created my own blog center on our server. It’s so fancy I am embarrassed that I will not use it in all of it’s greatness! I have no fucking clue if I am even typing in the right area or if this is where I was supoosed to post pictures? No clue.
The bars sucked this weekend for the most part. San Antonio is the saving grace. Daniel and I have been text battling about the hours of the GMs and Ams. We started a program to encourage career grow for the staff . With this program the head bartenders and the head of securities can learn management skills. In some bars the managers give these people extra closing or opening duties. I have been reviewing the logs and seeing that the managers are taking advantage of this program and giving themselves very easy schedules. This is a hard business and the hours are hard but to be successful you need to keep your hands and eyes on deck. It’s a different world today. I wouldn’t of even imagined working less then 70 hours as a manager.
On a good note I just saw a few samples of our new corporate pictures. I look like shit but everyone else looks great. Actually some of the joking shots are my favorites.
My first email to Daniel this morning was ” even though all your gms are lazy, you look great in the corporate picure.” His response was ” that’s exactly what I used to tell one of my ams at my old job ” you may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but you sure are pretty!”
I went into the New Orleans bar last weekend. I brought about 7 people AND HAD A GOOD TIME. Last weekend in New Orleans it was the decadence festival some of my girls from other bars were in town. Erika from Denver was in town and she happens to be the leading bodyshot seller in all the company. I issued a challenge to the New Orleans girls that I would give them a $100 if they could outsell Erika in a half an hour. The New Orleans girls won I gave them $100. Not only did I do that but I helped them for about 4 hours keep the crowd entertained and had people buying a lot of drinks. Today I get a call from Chantel saying that the New Orleans girls had hurt feelings that I thought so much of Erika and challenged them. I am beyond dumbfounded how three girls could get $100 from me and bitch. Also at the core of all of it didn’t they recognize that I was trying to drum up business? On a positive note it was the first time in a long while that I really enjoyed myself and like the new faces of the staff at New Orleans. On the negative side I feel the GM Travis and the AM Wendy have missed something in training these girls if they don’t understand that I brought them business and that they prospered while I came in as well as the bar. ( wow Lil gave us $100 that she didn’t have to just for doing our jobs. Wow that’s so insulting. If you don’t get that it’s called sarcasm) New Orleans girls: You have the tools use them. Sales for the bar increase your tips. People enjoying themselves create repeat customers. Instead of being afraid when I come in, use me to make money for the bar.
Weird. This whole week my Lil Spill has not worked. They changed my username and my password. Fucking technology!
Next week I am meeting with the owner of the Redwings! I am excited about it. We have been offered a few spots in Indianopolis. We will do great there.
Today I commemorate 9/11 by trying to make people laugh instead of cry.

These are the calendar picks so far: ( have a few spots left. I am still considering a few girls)
Yoshi OKC
Chiemi OKC
Molly Denver
Danika Austin
Veronica SA
Asal SA
Janice NY
Misty Blue Nashville
Jelvis Memphis
Maryianna New Orleans
There are 3 girls I am waiting to announce until after I get Vegas, Tampa, Lauderdale, and PC submissions.