Our team at the Paris tradeshow ! Thanks to Chandler, Victoria, Lee , Justin and the two beautiful interpreters.
Austin rocked for SXSW . Awesome job!!!
” You look like shit. You need a fuck buddy in San Diego.” Why thanks. Yes that’s what my exhusband said to me yesterday. 1. Spilled water on all of my son’s documents for summer college classes. 2. I was told I look like shit. 3. I Forgot my credit card at the gas station so they canceled my credit card. And 4. My coffee pot broke. All first world problems. But still annoying. The positive accomplishment of this morning is that I was ranked 342 out of 11,624 in the game boggle.
Wales slatted to open in Mid May. Cross fingers
Talk about first world problems. I just received this text from one of my friends. ” I am in a meeting and I keep getting texts saying there is a porn on my Facebook timeline. Please help.” That is definitely a first world problem. And yes there is a porn on your Facebook page.
” Women bring in more customers.” I just got back from NYC. Had a ball of course. Met the staff. Hung out with Paula, the new gm. As I looked around the NYC bar during the private party, I realized that it was mostly older regulars. There is only 1 day a year that the staff can invite Boyfriends, girlfriends, family. And for 2 hours during that day it’s FREE. I did not see girlfriends, boyfriends or friends. All I saw were regulars who have been part of Coyote for years. Harsh or not but I told Paula that I think she needs to start cutting these girls if they don’t embrace more female regulars. This is business.
Fox business tv interview went well. Pretty much a fluff piece . So it was easy. I am sure it will come out well. Back home. I love NY but boy do I love coming home to San Diego.
Note to self: ” don’t take old codeine cough syrup just because you don’t feel like going to the doctor.” So Monday night I took old cough medicine that was in the fridge that Jackson had been prescribed possibly over a year ago. I started feeling sick and wanted to make sure I was well for this weekend in NYC. Within an hour I was throwing up violently . I had to actually get a shot to stop me from throwing up. But the best part of this was getting up the next morning and seeing the whole lower part of my face and neck completely swollen. That was Monday night. Today it’s Friday and I now have a new double chin. Supposedly it’s filled with lymphatic fluid. ” Doctor please do something.” ” Liliana you will feel better next week. It will all calm down.” ” doctor I don’t give a shit about feeling better but I am doing a tv interview for Fox Business on Sunday and I can not have a double chin!!! Please help me.” They gave me prednisone . But I don’t think it’s really working. Oh well maybe this is the one time when in my company a Burkha may be the best option.
” Paula you can’t ban bikers at the NYC bar. We are a biker bar.”
” Lil they were two bicycle messengers who started a fight in the bar.”
Never in a million years when I got text messages of ” bikers being banned ” did I think it meant bicycle riders. My apologies Paula.
So I went out on some dates with a man that had a body Like this. Nice guy but the lords of love did not sweep us away. How the Fuck do I date someone after dating a modern day Adonis? I called Lee ” Lee , I am so shallow. Damn it how am I going to find another one of these ?” The answer was 1. Join a new gym and 2. acknowledge that the pool of these guys in your age range is slim. God Damn it!!
Jeff’s call today. ” some guy claims he fell into the NYC basement 3 years ago and is suing you.” Unfucking believable.
FUN FUN New Orleans anniversary party. The Wales Licensees came in for it. The dance captains from all over the country also came in town. Great time. Thanks Jazz! I sponsored the Kenner boxing club to do the Half marathon again this year. They did great. New Orleans girls of course did NOT show up for the race. Kevin, Leslie and I did it. I was doing great until mile 7 when my knee just started hurting. So we ended our race at the New Orleans bar which is at mile 9.5. Honestly , I felt pretty good considering I have not been running much.
So I went to Wichita Kansas to meet a friend. Not much to do in Wichita. I actually went bowling . Conference call about a potential documentary about Coyote. Two weeks till NYC anniversary and the Fox business interview. Ready to rock
“Lil your body is built like a sex toy.” Thanks Kevin ! That was Kevin ‘s pep talk after I told him I was down about my personal life . I am in New Orleans. Tommorow is half marathon and and anniversary party . Ok who is my wingman going to be?
The inspector for our insurance company went to the building to inspect the damage from the dryer fire. I think the fire was caused by a full lint tray but I am not sure. There was a 2 day old baby in the apartment. Thank god everyone is alright. That scared the life out of me. I was just sent pictures of the apartment. the tenants painted the whole apartment black, which I had known about. But seeing the pictures I was surprised at how nice the apartment looked. More modern artsy then ” I want to kill myself ” artsy. I remarked on the cleanliness of the apartment and got this response : ” Vampires get a bad rap. They are really quite tidy”. There you have it!
A lot going on in Coyote land. Possible documentary, reality shows, trade shows, openings. Busy busy.
” Chantel why the fuck don’t more of our girls speak spanish?” We are trying to staff the Mexico trade show. One of the girls that we originally picked is getting a boob job that week and can’t come. Then the various employees that don’t have passports. What a nightmare .
Can you imagine being on the wall of the corporate offices of UBER after the Kalamazoo UBER killings? I was annoyed that I got a call today from HR about a corporate member playing a prank . So I can only imagine what is going on with the UBER lawyers. Uber drivers are independent contractors so looser restrictions. Regardless this will effect them.
Busy week this week. A lot of travel. Ending in New Orleans for the 14 or 15 yer anniversary on Feb 28th.
Just watched the Scorcese Pilot “Vinyl”. Wow really great show.
We are rocking and rolling this year!
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I bought Daniel a golf club for Xmas . I totally forgot to ask him if he received it. Today he said that he loves it and has used it multiple times but there was no card on the package so he didn’t know who it was from . ” yes Daniel it was from me . And by the way , the handle is made from a cow’s penis! Bam