Coyote of the Month Coyote of the Month
April 2012
L, San Antonio

L has worked for us for almost a year and has turned into a great leader! She has recently become co dance captain and comes in early or works on the side to help out. You cannot take your eyes off her when she dances, people love her. Come out and see what I’m talking about!
Hometown: San Antonio
What’s the most fun about your job at Coyote Ugly?
Every facet of this work is super fun, but at times there may be some things that are more fun than others. Who really likes to be soaking wet in the middle of December? LOL, it’s just a part of being a Coyote! Yes, it is fun to dance on the bar and play games with our customers, but what I look forward to is the end of the night, when I get to hug my bartenders and say, “”Tonight was fun, thank you!”” A night isn’t fun unless all of us are doing our part to shape the night. I am big on team work, so the end of the night is our moment to give constructive feedback, say thank you, and build on our friendships. The girls I work with are what make this job fun!
What makes you a good Coyote?
I am a team player, and I am always looking for ways to help new Coyotes feel more a part of the team. I was once “”the rookie,”” and I know that it can be difficult to step out of your comfort zone, try new things. Just when you think you have given it all you got, you pull it out from you-know-where and still give it another 110%.
How long have you been a bartender?
I started bartending 3 years ago off and on, but I have been in the service industry for 6 years. I have been a bartender at Coyote Ugly for a little over a year now. Actually, my one year anniversary at Coyote was this past February!Â
What do you like to do on your off time?
I would say sleep, but in this industry, I’ll sleep when I’m dead! Haha! I am also a college student and currently doing my internship. I also have the honor of being the co-dance captain for Coyote. So when free time does present itself, I will pick up a book, ride my bike, shoot pool, go salsa dancing, or just stay in with my family, cook dinner, and have a movie night!
What is your favorite type of music?
It’s always so hard to answer! I really do love it all! From classical, house, reggae, salsa, and jazz, the list goes on. But, currently on my top playlist is conscious reggae.
Do you think the movie is anything like the real thing?
San Antonio is a tourist city, the people who come through our doors are, 9 times out of 10, from out of town, they want to know the same thing. “”Is it just like the movie?”” I know when they come they expect a show. We strive to be better than the movie.Â
Why should a potential customer come and visit you?
I try to make everyone have fun and be a part of the party. I love it when people say that they had a blast and they’ll be back tomorrow! I want them to feel like this is their bar, too.
Do you have any advice for women who want to be a Coyote?
This is a place where you will be challenged and pushed to be the best Coyote that you can be. It’s not just about popping open a beer. We work hard and we play hard. For ladies that want to be a Coyote, be cute, be sexy, be sassy, be witty, be the butt of joke, be the life of the party. Be open minded, a hard worker, and above all, a team player!