Coyote of the Month Coyote of the Month
February 2016
Selina, Oklahoma City

Selina has worked for us for 3 years and just recently got promoted to Head Bartender. She is an outstanding leader that makes sure new Coyotes are ready to be rock stars and other Coyotes are continuing to make sure guests have the best experience. When Selina steps on the bar, the crowd is automatically enamored by her big smile and larger-than-life personality. She has a mic voice that demands attention and sometimes sounds like she is hosting her own personal Coyote Game Show!
Hometown: Currently living in OKC
What’s the most fun about your job at Coyote Ugly?
The most fun thing about my job is getting to be a different person. I can act and dress however I want and not be judged for being to risqué.
What makes you a good Coyote?
What makes me a good Coyote is that I’m a vet and have traveled to multiple Coyote Ugly bars to learn what it actually means to be a Coyote. I’m a great team player, and I’m always motivating my girls to do better and want better.
How long have you been a bartender?
I have tended bar for about 6 years now.
What do you like to do on your off time?
Technically, I never have off time. I am a full time student, mother, and worker. So free time is very limiting in my world! When I do get a day off, I like to hang out with my Coyote family. I’m really close to everyone I work with. I cherish the time that I get to know people, since I do not have much family here.
What is your favorite type of music?
When I first started here, I only liked one genre of music, but now I love anything with a good beat that I can dance to.
Do you think the movie is anything like the real thing?
Yes, I think the movie did a great job showing what it is to be a Coyote. We do choreographed dances, we freestyle, joke around and have fun. In my bar, we all are close just like in the movie. Except for the water part… I swear that I get asked for more water just to see if I’m going to spray them than actually people needing water.
Why should a potential customer come and visit you?
The reason why a potential customer should come visit me is because I am a fun person. I run my shifts being crazy and wild and catching the attention of everyone in the bar and that walks by. I also like to get to know my customers and always remember at least their face. I get a lot of customers that are super impressed that I did remember them after months and months have gone by.
Do you have any advice for women who want to be a Coyote?
My advice for anyone that wants to be a Coyote is if you love to have fun and get paid for it, this is the place to work. This job gives you an alternate reality, a fantasy life where you can be anyone that you want with out being judged. This job is my fantasy outside of my reality and I love it.