Coyote of the Month Coyote of the Month
January 2008
Kat, Fort Lauderdale

Hometown: Miami, FL
What’s the most fun about your job at Coyote Ugly?
Inviting people who have never experienced us and showing them a good time
What makes you a good Coyote?
I love my job, and everyone who comes in can see that. It’s infectious!
How long have you been a bartender?
7 years
What do you like to do on your off time?
I’m never “off” I’m a Coyote 24-7!
What is your favorite type of music?
Anything with a groove that I can move to
Do you think the movie is anything like the real thing?
No, the movie is a show. Coyote Ugly Ft. Lauderdale is an experience!
Why should a potential customer come and visit you?
Because I work at the only bar on the planet that guarantees a great time!
Do you have any advice for women who want to be a Coyote?
Stop dreaming….start believing in yourself and give it a shot. We’re waiting for you! See you soon!