Coyote of the Month Coyote of the Month
June 2016
Dawn, New York City

Although she has been with us for a short time, Dawn is turning into a superstar. She is a solid Coyote—aggressive, attentive, wild, crazy, and innocent at the same time. When she puts her show on the bar, all eyes are on her. She is truly amazing!
Hometown: Syracuse, NY
What’s the most fun about your job at Coyote Ugly?
I love being on top of the bar, whether it is dancing or getting the crowd involved and energized to party! That is by far my favorite part of the job!
What makes you a good Coyote?
I think my desire to put on a show all the time, behind the bar or on top of it! People come to the bar not just to drink but for a show, so I make sure to give them one!
How long have you been a bartender?
3.5 months, this is my first tending job!
What do you like to do on your off time?
I am a painter and a professional bikini and figure competitor! So when I am not at the bar I am in the gym working out or in the studio painting!
What is your favorite type of music?
Alternative Rock!!
Do you think the movie is anything like the real thing?
Yes! In NY it feels like a sisterhood between me and the other girls! We do things like help each other with wardrobe before shift, support each other outside the bar and will have the occasional post shift breakfast!
Why should a potential customer come and visit you?
A potential customer should come visit me because it’s all fun when I am working! We are there to party, let our hair down and have a good time!
Do you have any advice for women who want to be a Coyote?
Be yourself, be confident, and have fun!