Coyote of the Month Coyote of the Month
September 2014
Amy, Las Vegas

Amy demonstrates the true meaning of a Coyote! She is beautiful, talented, strong minded, witty, sexy, and can control an entire room with her infectious smile and personality. Amy constantly goes above and beyond her job requirements and is a complete joy to work with. She is always willing to help out a colleague in need and values the true meaning of teamwork. Amy’s work ethic and personality should be rewarded and showcased.
What’s the most fun about your job at Coyote Ugly?
It’s a party every night and you never know what is going to happen. We have customers from all over the world visit with high spirits, looking for that extra special memory. Once the duck tape and markers come out, the ball is rolling and the crowd starts cheering. It’s like a big college fraternity party, I get to relive college every night.
What makes you a good Coyote?
I had 7 years of Barmitzvah dancing experience with the top emcee’s in the NY/NJ area. I learned crazy antics and ways to motivate a room from the best entertainers plus the people in Las Vegas come ready to party so it’s an easy recipe.
How long have you been a bartender?
I’ve worked as a dancer at Coyote for 2 ½ years and became a bartender last year.
What do you like to do on your off time?
I compete in fitness competitions, flair bartending competitions and shoot Epic Adventures, a reality series for Discovery that follows Jen Chandler “another Coyote” and myself all over the world doing amazing, crazy things.
What is your favorite type of music?
I don’t have just one genre but if I had to pick right now it would be Country;)
Do you think the movie is anything like the real thing?
It’s exactly like the movie except we don’t light the bar on fire and we aren’t allowed to beat the patrons up……well maybe a little;)
Why should a potential customer come and visit you?
It’s an experience of a life time. I remember the first time I experienced Coyote Ugly I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, I kept saying, “Is this really happening right now? Did she really just say that? OMG, did she really just do that???” My jaw dropped and I was laughing and loving every second. We make sure to deliver that every night. You truly will walk away having had the best time. I know because patrons come up to me every night to say thank you and we have many international regulars.
Do you have any advice for women who want to be a Coyote?
If you’re serious about being a Coyote, watch the movie, know how to do choreography, and get a ton of experience on a microphone in front of a crowd. It takes strength, stamina and a sense of humor to nail this job.